In the “Roy-Hart-Center-Work” we explore the voice in in all its colors and expressive possiblities, independently of aesthetic norms and conventions. We examine the connection of voice and body and voice and perception and move into new territiry of our voices beyond the areas that we are habitually using. In group, partner and individual sessions we find a lot of space to experience and explore our own voices.
Born 1966 in Austria, Walli Höfinger is a performance artist, voice performer and accredited Roy Hart Voice Center Teacher (Malérargues, France 2009) who lives and works at Gutshof Reichenow near Berlin. Walli’s artistic work currently focuses on experimental work on the voice, writing her own texts as well as voice and piano compositions. She works both solo and in collaboration with Jonathan Hart-Makwaia, Biliana Voutchkova and Teresa Brayshaw. She regularly teaches voice workshops in Germany and throughout Europe. She speaks German, English and French.
Christiane Hommelsheim studied video and performance art with Ulrike Rosenbach at the HBK Saar in Saarbrücken, and spent a semester at DASARTS in Amsterdam. Since 2010 she is a certified voice teacher of the Roy Hart International Art Center in France. She is certified in Perceptive Pedagogy/Fascia work (Methode Dani Bois).
Pictures: Hanna Lippmann
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